
Showing posts from August 15, 2017

Rais Uhuru Kenyatta Aruhusu Maandamano ya Wanaopinga Ushindi Wake

Rais Uhuru Kenyatta na Makamu wake, William Ruto. Rais Uhuru Kenyatta huenda akaingia katika vitabu vya kumbukumbu na historia kwa marais wa Afrika kwa kuamua kuruhusu maandamano ya amani kupinga ushindi wake alioupata katika Uchaguzi Mkuu wa Agosti 8.   Kenyatta amewataka polisi kujizuia kutumia nguvu kubwa na badala yake wawape ulinzi wakati wa maandamano hayo ya amani na yanayoruhusiwa kisheria kwa watu ambao hawafurahii matokeo ya uchaguzi uliopita. Rais Kenyatta alisema hayo jana alipokuwa akitoa ujumbe kwa wagombea walioshindwa katika uchaguzi huo uliofanyika Jumanne iliyopita.  Kenyatta alisema hayo akiwa Jengo la Harambee alikokwenda kukutana na Kamati ya Maandalizi ya Hafla ya kuapishwa kwake. Katika ujumbe huo uliomlenga zaidi Raila Odinga aliyekuwa mgombea urais kupitia muungano wa Nasa, Kenyatta aliwataka wagombea wote ambao hawakuridhishwa na matokeo ya uchaguzi wachukue hatua zilizobainishwa na Katiba ili kupata wanachotaka. ...


TAC ASSOCIATES is a well established Firm which provides a wide audit, tax and consulting services to both public and private sector entities. The firm is looking for energetic, self motivated individuals who can work in a friendly and dynamic environment. Apart from the qualifications stated below, the successful candidate will be an individual capable of working independently, and possess good communication skills in both spoken and written English and Kiswahili. Applications are invited from suitable qualified professionals for the following positions currently existing in TAC ASSOCIATES. Job Title: Financial Consultant Reporting to: Associate Partner-Financial Consultancy Duties and Responsibilities: ā€¢ Assist the Associate Partner in the development of policies and procedures for the Division. ā€¢ Assist the Associate Partner in the formulation of financial policy documents e.g. financial regulations, accounting manuals, and procurement procedures manuals for ...


Policy Analyst UONGOZl Institute seeks to inspire leaders and promote the recognition of the important role of leadership in sustainable development within Africa. . We are seeking dynamic persons with sound experience in Policy Analysis who would appreciate the opportunity to take their career to the next level. BASIC FUNCTION Undertaking policy related development work. MAJOR ACTIVITIES ā€¢ Undertake high quality research and analysis in the area of leadership and governance; ā€¢ Draft and co-ordinate the preparation of substantive reports on policy work carried out at UONGOZl lnstitute ā€¢ Draft working papers, policy briefs, briefing notes, opinion editorial and blog articles; ā€¢ Provide comments on analytical reports and policy documents ā€¢ Organisation of Policy Events ā€¢ Develop innovative and effective strategies and instruments to disseminate the findings and to convey the main messages from policy work to different audiences at workshops and conferences. ā€¢ C...


TANZANIA NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY (TANROADS) is a Semi-Autonomous Agency under the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication established on July 1, 2000 and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Tanzania Mainlandā€™s trunk and regional roads network. Its primary functions include the management of maintenance and development works, operations of the network and Axle Load Control, the implementation of road safety and environmental measures, provision of advice on the strategic framework, policies and plans for the road sector. Regional Manager, TAN ROADS ā€“ MOROGORO is looking for suitable qualified Tanzanian candidates for 9 available Posts at Morogoro Weigh Bridge stations. Applications are invited from suitable qualified and competent Tanzanians to apply for the following positions: 1. Position Title: Shift In Charge (5 ā€“ Posts) Successful applicants must be ready to work on ā€˜Shiftā€™ basis including weekends and Public Holidays. He/ She should be w...


KAMA ada yetu, jukumu kubwa la  GLOBAL TV Online  ni kukusogezea matukio yote muhimu ambayo wewe mdau wetu una kiu ya kuyafahamu muda wowote na wakati wowote. Kwa mara nyingine tena,  Global TV  imefunga safari mpaka Mkoani Mbeya, Wilaya ya Rungwe, Kata ya Kisiba kijiji cha Lugombo ambapo kuna Himaya ya Chief Mwambuga. Eneo hilo kuna mti wa kustaajabisha. MAAJABU YA MTI KATEMBO, UPANDE UTOMVU MWEUPE, UPANDE DAMU! Mti huu ni aina ya Mvule maarufu kwa jina la Mti wa Katembo, unakadiriwa kuwa na umri wa miaka 600 au zaidi. Ukubwa wake wa duara unahitaji watu kuanzia wanane waliounganisha mikono. ukiupima una futi 39 katika kimo cha juu kidogo lakini una futi 43 chini kabisa. Inaelezwa kuwa Mnamo mwaka 1975 mti huu kwa mara ya kwanza ulidondosha tawi lake moja ambalo, hata ukifika leo panaonekana, inasemekana lilipoanguka ilikuwa kama tetemeko la ardhi kutokana na kishindo kilichotetemesha kijiji kile na vijiji jirani. GLOBAL TV ONLINE imefika eneo la tukio n...

Vijue Vyakula Hatari kwa Kupunguza Nguvu za Kiume

Mbegu za Flax (Flax seeds):   Wanaume wanapaswa kufahamu aina ya vyakula ambavyo si rafiki kwao katika kuongeza kiwango cha homoni ya kiume iitwayo testosterone inayochochea sifa ya mwanaume yaani kuwa na nguvu za kiume. Baadhi ya vyakula visivyofaa kuliwa na mwanaume aliyetaka kuwa na nguvu za kiume ni vile vyenye asili ya homoni ya kike iitwayo estrogen. Hivyo sio kila vyakula vinafaa kwa mwanaume eti ilimradi tu vyakula hivyo vinasaidia kujenga mwili au kujaza tumbo wakati mtu akiwa na njaa. Vyakula visivyofaa kabisa kuliwa na mwanaume kutokana na vyakula hivyo kupunguza homoni ya testosterone ni hivi vifuatavyo: vyakula vinavyotengenezwa kutokana na unga wa mbegu za flax vimekuwa vikisifiwa kwa kuwa Omega-3 fats ambayo ni muhimu katika miili yetu. Hata hivyo mbegu za flax ni mbegu maarufu kwa kuwa na estrogen ambayo ni sawa kabisa na homoni ya estrogen iliyoko katika miili ya wanawake. Flax seeds zina kiwango cha phytoestrogens mara tatu zaidi ya soya. Kama bado unafi...