
Showing posts from October 10, 2017

Breaking News: Raila Odinga Ajiondoa Kwenye Uchaguzi Mkuu Kenya

Raila Odinga Kiongozi mkuu wa upinzani nchini Kenya Raila Odinga, ametangaza kuwa hatashiriki kwenye uchaguzi mkuu ambao unapangwa kufanyika tarehe 26 mwezi huu. Bwana Odinga anasema anataka kufanyika uchaguzi mpya jinsi ilivyoamuliwa na mahakama ya juu Uchaguzi huo wa tarehe 26 utakuwa ni marudio ya uchaguzi mkuu, baada ya mahakama ya juu nchini Kenya kufuta matokeo ya uchaguzi wa tarehe 8 mwezi Agosti mwaka huu. Bw. Odinga anasema amejiondoa ili kuipa tume ya uchaguzi IEBC muda wa kutosha kufanya mabadiliko ambayo yatawezesha kufanyika uchaguzi kwa njia ili nzuri.

Nafasi Za Kazi Chuo Kikuu Cha Arusha

The University of Arusha, a Chartered Seventh-day Adventist institution of higher learning situated about 30 km from Arusha city, off the Arusha-Moshi highway, is seeking to recruit a suitably qualified individual to fill, with immediate effect, a vacant position in the Directorate of Finance. JOB TITLE: DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (DFA) The Director of Finance and Accounting (DFA) of the University shall be appointed by the University Council in consultation with the Vice Chancellor and the Chair of Finance and Development Committee of the Council. (a) Qualifications Holder of full Accountancy qualification and must be registered with NBAA as Certified Public Accountant i.e. CPA (T), ACCA, ACA or equivalent plus at least 5 years work experience in a similar position. (b) Remuneration This will depend on whether the person recruited is employed on church terms or on fixed-term contract terms. Nevertheless, an attractive package awaits the right candidate f...

Nafasi za Kazi Meru University

Meru University of Science and Technology (MUST) wishes to recruit qualified and dedicated staff to fill the following vacant positions. ACADEMIC POSITIONS PROFESSORS ā€“ GRADE 15 ā€“ MUST/ACA/01/17 (1 POST IN EACH CATEGORY) Applicants are invited for post of Professor in the following areas:- Food Science Human Nutrition and Dietetics Plant Breeder Agricultural Economics Business Management Economics Procurement & Logistics Computer Science Computer Security and Forensics Artificial Intelligence Information/Library Science Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Electrical/Electronics Engineering Biosystems Engineering Architecture Health Systems Management Public Health/Environmental Health Community Health Clinical Medicine Health Records and Information Management Nursing Applied Statistics Theoretical Physics Actuarial Science Nuclear Physics Material Science Electronics Geophysics Organic Chemistry Industrial Chemistry Physical Chemistry ...

Nafasi Ya Kazi: Mkuu wa Chuo cha KIITEC Arusha

The Principal serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute and provides a clear focus on all matters related to the effective leadership and management of teaching, learning and quality to achieve academic excellence for the Institute. As KIITEC is growing in Tanzania as a center of excellence in East Africa and is scheduled to be duplicated in other sites, the Principal position will become a key role for our strategy implementation. Location Other Arusha District Arusha Description REPORTS TO: The Board of Directors SUPERVISES: Teachers, General staff and Students of the Institute SPECIFIC DUTIES: The KIITEC Principal shall: Ā· Manage, and supervise effectively the operation of the Institute in harmony with the vision, mission, values and goals of the Institute Ā· Supervise the overall financial status of the Institute Ā· Build strong collaborative links with other academic institutions, stakeholders and donors within and outside Tanzania Ā· I...