
Showing posts from January 22, 2014


Mbunge wa Chalinze, Said Ramadhani Bwanamdogo enzi za uhai wake. Mbunge wa Chalinze, Said Ramadhani Bwanamdogo (CCM), aliyekuwa amelazwa chumba cha wagonjwa mahututi (ICU), katika Taasisi ya Tiba ya Mifupa na Upasuaji wa Mishipa (MOI), amefariki leo.  ANDELEA KUWA NASI KWA HABARI ZAIDI. Bwana ametoa na bwana ametwaa jina la Bwana lihimidiwe


KCB is renowned for its diversity and growth in the Region is currently strengthening its support for group operations and business with the aim of maintaining Best Practice whilst also responding to the growing Business needs to support internal and external Customer Service delivery objectives and increase shareholder value. To this end the following challenging positions have arisen and candidates with the requisite competencies and qualifications described below are hereby encouraged to apply. Position Department Location Ref PROJECT MANAGER, MORTGAGE Mortgage Kenya MTG 022014 MORTGAGE BUSINESS MANAGER, NAKURU Mortgage Kenya MTG 012014 STRATEGIC BUYER Procurement Kenya PROC 01/2014 HEAD OF CORPORATE BANKING ā€“ KCB RWANDA Corporate Banking Rwanda KCBR 01/2013 CORPORATE RELATIONSHIP MANAGER Corporate Banking Kenya CORP 032014 HEAD OF LITIGATION SERVICES General Kenya CS01/2014 CORPORATE RELATIONSHIP MANAGER, INSTITUTIONAL BANKING Corporate Banking Kenya CORP 022014 ...

South Sudan draft deal hangs on political pardons

Thousands have been killed and half a million civilians have been forced to flee the fighting between troops loyal to President Salva Kiir and rebels allied to his sacked deputy Riek Machar.  East African mediators are urging South Sudan's warring parties to sign a ceasefire deal to end conflict and atrocities that have devastated the young nation, according to a draft accord A separate draft deal urges President Salva Kiir to pardon and release 11 key political detainees, one of the key sticking points of deadlocked talks in Ethiopia mediated by the East African regional bloc Intergovernmental Authority and Development (IGAD). Thousands have been killed and half a million civilians have been forced to flee the fighting between troops loyal to President Salva Kiir and rebels allied to his sacked deputy Riek Machar. The draft ceasefire accord, seen by Agence France-Presse and presented to peace delegates meeting in Addis Ababa, notes the "sca...


Msanii wa muziki wa kizazi kipya Tunda Man, amesema mpenzi wake wa kwanza katika maisha yake ni mwanadada muigizaji wa filamu nchini Rose Ndauka,ambaye waliachana tangu 2006.Akizungumza na XXL ya Clouds Fm leo Tunda amesema walikuwa wakikutana na mwanadada huyo katika studio moja huko kariakoo hali iliyowapelekea kuanza mahusiano yao yamapenzi. ā€œKuna studio moja kariakoo,wanadada walikuwa wanakuja kuchana na yeye anakuja studio anaangalia situation zinavyoenda, kwahiyo kuanzia hapo ndiyo akaanza kunijua nini, nikaenda kwao kila kitu kikawa  fresh kila kitu kikawa kinaenda poa ni 2006 kitu kama hicho, yani tumeachana kabla, hamna hata mmoja aliyekuwa star, sasa tumejikuta kila mmoja anafanya issue zake na mimi nafanya issue zangu, mpaka sasa hivi nikikutana nae, nasikia ameolewa peace tu ,kama na shida na yeye kwasababu na yeye sasa hivi anapiga mapigo ya movie na mimi na movie zangu kama vipi namdondosha halafu namlipaā€, alisema Tund a

Jaji aagiza Rais Mstaafu wa Kenya, Daniel Toroitich arap Moi afike kizimbani

  Jaji Isaac Lenaola aliamuru ushahidi katika kesi utatolewa na wale walioshtakiwa binafsi mbele yake. Hii inaamanisha kwamba Bw Moi atafika kortini kujitetea mwenyewe katika kesi hiyo aliyoshtakiwa na Bi Zipporah Seroney. Hii ndiyo itakuwa mara ya kwanza kwa Bw Moi kufika mahakamani tangu angā€™atuke uongozini. Atahojiwa na wakili anayemwakilisha mjane huyo: ā€œHii mahakama inaamuru kwamba kesi ya Bi Seroney itasikizwa mnamo Machi 25 na wakili wake ameagizwa ataoe samanzi kwa washtakiwa kufika kortini,ā€akaamuru Jaji Lenaola. Bi Seroney na watoto wake watano wameishtaki Serikali na Bw Moi wakisema kama sio vitendo vya rais huyo mstaafu, mumewe aliyekuwa mbunge kati ya 1961 na 1975 hangekufa Desemba 1982. Kulingana na wakili Gitobu Imanyara, marehemu Seroney alitiwa kizuizini kati ya 1975 na 1978 wakati Bw Moi alipokuwa makamu wa rais na baadaye alipotwaa hatamu za uongozi kutoka kwa hayati Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. Mjane huyo anadai kwamba mwanasiasa huyo al...


POSITION: CHIEF LEGAL COUNSEL REPORTS TO: MANAGING DIRECTOR &CEO DUTY STATION: DAR ES SALAAM You will be reporting to Group of Managing Director & CEO- Precision Air Services Ltd Please take note of your responsibilities. ROLE PURPOSE STATEMENT: To identify, communicate and mitigate legal risks to the business to minimize undue financial costs. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES / RESPONSIBILITIES ļ‚· Draft, negotiate, vet contracts on behalf of the company to protect its interests. ļ‚· Ensure disputes are resolved in a manner that safeguards the companyā€™s position. ļ‚· Organise and administer subsidiary board meetings to ensure they are efficient and effective. ļ‚· Ensure companyā€™s compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements to avoid legal penalties. ļ‚· Brief and monitor external counsel to ensure legal representation is effective. ļ‚· Prepare proposals and to lobby the Government on pending legislation to protect or improve the business environment for PW. ļ‚· D...


  Jambo limezua jambo! Ile skandali ya kunaswa baada ya kuingia mkenge kwenye mtego wa kujiuza imemtokea puani staa wa sinema na Bongo Fleva, Baby Joseph Madaha ambaye amekiri kuumbuka. Habari hiyo iliruka hewani kwenye gazeti dada la hili, Ijumaa wiki iliyopita toleo namba 862 la Januari 17 hadi 23 likiwa na kichwa cha habari ā€˜BABY MADAHA ANASA MTEGO WA KUJIUZA. SAFARINI Ilielezwa kuwa wakati skendo hiyo ikiingia mitaani, mwanadada huyo alikuwa safarini kuelekea Nairobi, Kenya ambako ndiko yaliko Makao Makuu ya Kampuni ya Candy n Candy iliyompa mkataba mnono wa takribani Sh. milioni 200 ili wasambaze na kuuza kazi za Baby Madaha. MAPOKEZI Kwa mujibu wa chanzo chetu makini nchini humo, imezoeleka kuwa kila Baby Madaha anapotua kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Jomo Kenyatta, Nairobi kwa ajili ya kazi za kampuni hupokelewa na timu maalum kisha kuchukuliwa na lile gari la bei mbaya aina ya Audi TT. Ilielezwa kuwa baada ya habari ya kunaswa kwake kusamba...

Thirty people have been sentenced to death in Vietnam for smuggling

Some 89 defendants are each flanked by two police officers as they are sentenced for heroin smuggling after Vietnam's biggest-ever drugs trial Judges condemned 30 people to death for their part in trafficking the 12-ton haul Thirteen received life in jail and 46 were given either prison terms of up to 20 years, or warnings, the government said in a statement on its Internet site Thirty people have been sentenced to death in Vietnam for smuggling more than 12 tons of heroin after the country's biggest ever drugs trial. Dozens more convicted of trafficking were handed lengthy jail terms. There were so many accused that the proceedings, which lasted 17 days, had to be held outside in the yard of a detention centre rather than a court room. All 89 defendants, each flanked by two police officers, were found guilty of trafficking the heroin between 2006 and 2012 at the mass trial in Quang Ninh province, which borders China. Vietnam ...


  Video Queen , Agness Gerard ' Masogange' anayeongoza kutupia picha nyingi kwa siku katika Mtandao wa ISTAGRAM.


Waziri mpya wa Katiba na Sheria, Dk. Asha Rose Migiro Mawaziri na Naibu Mawaziri walioteuliwa, jana waliapishwa na Rais Jakaya Kikwete Ikulu jijini Dar es Salaam, kushika rasmi nyadhifa hizo na kuahidi kufanya kazi kwa kasi katika kuwahudumia wananchi.  Rais aliwapisha jana jioni Ikulu jijini Dar es Salaam kufuatia mabadiliko aliyoyafanya katika Baraza la Mawaziri juzi na kutangazwa na Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi, Balozi Ombeni Sefue. Waziri mpya wa Katiba na Sheria, Dk. Asha Rose Migiro, alisema atahakikisha anajenga misingi kuhakikisha Katiba mpya inakuwa ya watu. Alisema atafanya hivyo, kwa kuwa Katiba siyo ya mtu mmoja wala ya chama kimoja, bali ni ya Watanzania na vyama vyote. Hivyo, alisema atafanya kazi kwa kujituma na kwa umakini mkubwa na kwamba, atazingatia miongozo ya mabadiliko ya katiba kufikia malengo hayo. Naibu Waziri wa Fedha, Mwigulu Nchemba, alisema ameteuliwa na Rais Kikwete kusimamia sera na siyo kuchota fedha katika wizara anay...