Things To Never Do With Or In Front Of Your Partner
When you officially (and finally!) become a couple, every second of spending time together is bringing you joy and you having the happiest time of your life. Okay, that’s what all of us are dreaming of. Everything is sweet and lovely for the first few months, but… But things become more and more serious, you may even decide to live together, and that’s when disaster starts. Well, actually men undergo the first few months of this “living together” situation much easier than women. We all understand why: we’re sometimes afraid to do things that can surprise or shock our partner (and make him love you less!). There are a lot of exaggerations manifesting themselves in women’s heads. But certain things can really become some kind of turn-offs and start to ruin your relationship. Maybe you didn’t notice doing some of them before. Check the list now! Okay, first of all, even if you feel you’re best friends with your partner, remember, that this “bro stuff” don’t fully work b...