Njemba Avamia Makao Makuu ya Trump, Apanda Ghorofa 21 kwa Saa 3

New York Police officers attach a climbing rope and carabiner to a man who was attempting to scale Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. The man spent more than 2 ' hours scaling the glass facade of Trump Tower, climbing as high as the 21st floor before police officers grabbed him and hauled him to safety through an open window. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)Polisi wakijitahidi kumtoa njemba huyo aliyepanda juu ya ghorofa.
A man scales the all-glass face of Trump Tower in New York, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (Alex Cannon via AP)
A New York Police officer watches as a man attempts to scale Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. The man spent more than 2 hours scaling the glass facade of Trump Tower using large suction cups, climbing as high as the 21st floor before police officers grabbed him and hauled him to safety through an open window. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)Njemba huyo katika haakati za kukwea jengo hilo la ghoofa 58.
A man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Akikazana kukwea.
A man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower using suction cups Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Hali ilivyokuwa
Pedestrians stop to watch as a man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower using suction cups Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Mashuhuda wakitahauki.
A man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Polisi wakijitahidi kumdhibitiA man scales the all-glass face of Trump Tower in New York, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (Alex Cannon via AP)
Pedestrians stop to watch as a man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower using suction cups Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
A man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower, Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
An emergency response officer reaches to pull a man's legs over as New York Police officers struggled to pull the man through a window as he scaled Trump Tower using suction cups Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. The man spent more than 2 hours scaling the glass facade of Trump Tower, climbing as high as the 21st floor before officers grabbed him. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
Akitolewa na polisi
A man scales the all-glass facade of Trump Tower using suction cups Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2016, in New York. A police spokeswoman says officers responded to Donald Trump's namesake skyscraper on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. The 58-story building is headquarters to the Republican presidential nominee's campaign. He also lives there. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)
NEW YORK: Njemba mmoja nchini Marekani aliyejiita kuwa ni mtafiti binafsi na shabiki wa Donald Trump, jana Agosti 10, 2016 alitumia masaa matatu kupanda jengo la mfanyabiashara huyo maaufu duniani ambaye pia ni mgombea urais wa nchi hiyo kwa tiketi ya Chama cha Republican lililopo jijini New York.
Taarifa zimeeleza kuwa njemba huyo mwenye umri wa miaka 21 mkazi wa Virginia alitumia vifaa maalum kupanda ghorofa hilo lililojengwa kwa vioo ambalo pia ni Makao Makuu ya Kampeni za Bwana Trump na ndiyo Makao yake Makuu Kibiashaa kabla ya polisi kumtoa akiwa amefikia ghorofa ya 21 huku akiwa amechomwa vibaya na vioo vya jengo hilo.
Trump anaishi kwenye ghorofa ya ya juu kabisa ya jengo hilo lakini kwa sasa anafanya kampeni zake nje ya mji.
Mpandaji alijivuta huku akiwa akionekana kuwa amelewa, akitaka kuingia ndani ya jengo hilo. Polisi waliofika eneo la tukio wamesema hawakuweza kutambua nini haswa lilikuwa lengo lake.


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