11 Certain Signs He’s Ready For A Serious Relationship.

The beginning of a relationship can be a cloudy thing – it’s hard to determine if someone is just playing you and feeding you words you want to hear, or if they’re sincere and really care about you. Here’s a guide to weeding out the bad guys from the good ones, and seeing who’s willing to go past the casual phase and dive into something real.

1. He’s stopped seeing other people and wants to be exclusive.
He wants to see you on Friday and Saturday. He’s so into you, he can’t even think about other girls, because you’re the only one that really makes him happy. He knows building a real foundation with you means getting serious with exclusivity, and he’s into it.

2. He’s starting using the we word.
That means he visualizes himself with you, and wants to get serious with you. He wants to make more memories with you, and wouldn’t use that word if he couldn’t see himself with you.

3. He’s open about his insecurities with you.
He talks about his struggles, with confidence and otherwise. This means he’s comfortable with you. Guys don’t show their vulnerable side unless they trust a girl, and if he truly trusts you then he’s not putting up a front, and you mean something important to him.

4. He also calls you at all times… not just late night times.
Booty calls aren’t a thing with this dude. If you’re hooking up late at night, it’s because you just had a super gratifying day long date and couldn’t resist hanging a little more. This guy calls you just to say good morning and good night, because he loves hearing your voice, and misses you the second you leave. He also texts you all the time, and rarely keeps you waiting. No mind games here.

5. He takes you on non-drinking dates.
Getting a little giggly from a couple of cocktails on some dates is never a bad thing – couples who have been together for decades do that too. But if the beginning of your relationship is filled with hazy, forgotten date nights, or too many shots, red flag. Sometimes you need social lubrication, but when he’s serious about you, you guys can hang out in broad daylight, totally sober, and still have an awesome time.

6. He’s supportive in all aspects of your life.
He’s very rarely jealous, and is supportive of your work and is a constant shoulder to lean on. Supportive means that he likes your friends (and doesn’t roll his eyes over hanging with them), he supports your job and pushes you to reach your ambitions, and he just wants the best for you.
 7. He’s consistent and reliable.
A man will flit around more than a butterfly if he’s not into committing. If he’s steadily reliable and available, it’s a sign that he’s just showing you he’s boyfriend material, and is showing you that he’ll be there through the thick and thin – you’re not just a fad.

8. He’s given you a key.
A little less scary than moving in, but still a big step that shows he cares, and has absolutely nothing to hide from you. If he’s given you a key, he finds spending as much as possible with you irresistible – he wants you to take advantage of that key and use it!
 9. He actually listens to you.
It’s swell-known fact that men have pretty selective hearing, but if he’s hanging onto every word you say, from y our favorite perfume to how your day at work was, it’s a sign that he’s ready and willing to go into a more serious relationship with you. You are his sun and his moon, and he wants to please every want and need that you have.

10. He’s introduced you to his close friends and family.
Mentioning you, and especially introducing you to his good friends and family is a massive sign that he wants to be only with you, and he’s serious about integrating you into his life and future, with other things that he’s value. He’s not keeping his happiness a secret, and he wants to flaunt you wherever he can!

11. You’re high up on the priority list.
This doesn’t just mean that he makes time for you – he cares about every aspect of you, and is very protective over you (in a non-creepy way). It means he’s truly concerned about you well-being and isn’t just into you for selfish or superficial reasons.


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